BAT Family & Football Day, august 2017
Client: British American Tobacco (BAT)
Date: August 26th, 2017
Venue: Vesta sports and health complex
Number of participants: 530
- To strengthen the corporate culture of the company and the opinion that British American Tobacco in Belarus is the best tobacco company and employer.
- To arouse the competitive spirit.
- To unite the team in the sporting struggle, to work up mutual understanding in informal atmosphere.
- To build friendly relationship within the team, to create the feeling of unity.
- To add a family feel into the event.
- To involve all the participants of the event and have a good time together.
- Special logo of the event.
- The football teams were supported by the company’s own cheerleading group. The company’s employees made a special performance.
- A special t-shirt signed by a company’s football players that later became a decoration of the office and a nice reminder about Family&Football Day.
- An after-match tournament for the best penalty kicker – any participant of the event could become the one.
- A funny family 80’s style warming-up.
- The fan school for adults and kids (common workshops on fan attributes, cheer learning, thematic aero-tattoos etc.
- Family obstacle course with special gifts for all the participants.
- A tasty cake branded specially for the event.