Organization of business trainings and seminars is one of the most popular event services. If you manage a big company you will certainly need such events: as the reputation of your company is growing, the number of potential clients and partners is growing too.

Good organization of a seminar or training is very important: the choice of the appropriate venue, a hearty welcome and seating arrangement for guests, efficient timing etc.  Every detail matters, that is why a seminar should be organized and conducted by real professionals.

Seminar organization by EVENT STUDIO BON

Our company has been organizing seminars and other events in Minsk since 2009. For this time we have become real professionals and collected a portfolio that testifies to the high quality of our work.

Our advantages:

  • Orientation at solving clients’ tasks.
  • Efficient timing of the event.
  • High responsibility and professionalism.

Organization of lectures and seminars requires quite a lot of time

We are ready to:

  • make a plan of the seminar;
  • print hand-out materials;
  • prepare a conference hall (to organize the space, arrange the equipment);
  • Invite and register the guests;
  • provide simultaneous translation (if necessary);
  • organize buffet dinner.

If you want us to organise a seminar in Minsk, please fill out and send us a brief or simply call us.

Let Event Studio BonBon organize a seminar for you!